
Pre-Prepared AutoCAD Drawings

At Urban in Mind. we understand to actual cost of staff time in preparing drawings and taking relevant pictures to explain planning/development policies can be overwhelming to many municipal and consultant budgets.

These drawing templates are easily edited in AutoCAD to conform to your specific policy requirements and then simply added as a pictorial explanation of the policy requirements being discussed.

This is why Urban in Mind has “pre-prepared” the following AutoCAD drawings and photographic images to demonstrate Good Development Planning.

Not only are these professional quality drawings and photographs easily edited to your specific policy standards. they are an affordable way to add visual interest and another form of communicaiton to your professional documents.

These drawings and photographs are here to save your time, money and provide a professional looking documents that are easy to read, easy to edit, and easy to understand.

Please enjoy the following drawing and image selection, and if you require specific editing assistance (i.e. you do not have AutoCAD software), we can assist with any revision at our standard hourly rates – just enquire via email.

(NOTE: Each individual purchase provides license for a single use in any finished report/document by the purchaser) Thank you and Enjoy

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Educational Videos

At Urban in Mind, we understand that many of our customers or web viewers are interested in actually “learning” about Urban Planning, Land Development or CPTED, and not just hiring expensive professionals to provide these services. This is why we have created this educational video section, so that you may watch and learn at your convenience, from the comfort of your own home or office. As such, feel free to browse the video selection below, and enjoy actually learning how to plan and develop land, instead of always hiring someone to do it for you.

In addition, professionals in the land development and Real Estate industry may also enjoy having a more robust understanding of the larger industry. so they can provide pinpoint accurate, correct and timely information to their clients.

Regardless of your motive, please enjoy the following educational video selection and provide feedback via email should you wish to suggest constructive advice or are interested in other related topics for future additions.

Thank you and Enjoy

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Books, Publications & Merchandise

Urban in Mind is committed to providing quality educational resources to Real Estate, Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Security professionals, as well as students and individuals who may just have an interest or prospective career in the land development industry.

As such, we have created the following Books, Pamphlets, and Educational Materials to expand your understanding of the development industry> whether it be a simple home addition, 45-storey condo building, or even a major industrial or institutional use, these resources will provide clear understanding of each topic so that you will expand your knowledge base, and have better control over any development project.

In addition to the educational materials, we will also periodically provide other items which may be interesting or fun, for you to consider.

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